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LICAT Public Disclosure Requirements

Companies are required, at minimum, to maintain a Core Ratio of 55% and a Total Ratio of 90%. OSFI has established supervisory target levels of 70% for Core and 100% for Total capital.

Definitions of terms can be found in Guideline A:   .

Qualitative Analysis of Solvency Ratio (Period over Period)

The changes in Total and Core Ratios in 2024 are primarily attributable to movements in interest rates, non-financial assumptions changes and capital management actions related to onboarding of inforce reinsurance transactions. The capital ratios remain above Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s capital targets.

(thousands of dollars, except percentages)

  Current PeriodPrior Period-% Change
Available Capital (AC1 +B)(AC)5,551,2204,754,606 
Tier 1 Capital(AC1)   
Tier 2 Capital(B)   
Surplus Allowance and Eligible Deposits(SA + ED)4,407,082 
Base Solvency Buffer(BSB)8,136,049
Total Ratio
([AC + SA + ED] / BSB) x 100
Core Ratio
([AC1 + 70% SA + 70% ED] / BSB) x 100


Companies are required, at minimum, to maintain a Core Ratio of 55% and a Total Ratio of 90%. OSFI has established supervisory target levels of 70% for Core and 100% for Total capital.

Definitions of terms can be found in Guideline A:  .

Qualitative Analysis of Solvency Ratio (Period over Period)

The Total and Core Ratios remained stable and above Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s capital targets during 2023. The slightly favorable impact of the transition to IFRS 17 was reversed during the year by interest movements and the annual changes in insurance assumptions. The material, and substantially offsetting, variation in the Available Capital and on the Surplus Allowance and Eligible Deposits components are a result of the transition to IFRS17 accounting standard. These variations have a negligible impact on the numerator of the ratios. 

(thousands of dollars, except percentages)

   Current Period Prior Period -% Change
Available Capital (AC1 +B)(AC)4,771,0191,255,834
Tier 1 Capital(AC1)   
Tier 2 Capital(B)   
Surplus Allowance and Eligible Deposits(SA + ED)4,391,7477,061,578 
Base Solvency Buffer(BSB)7,668,363 
Total Ratio
([AC + SA + ED] / BSB) x 100
Core Ratio
([AC1 + 70% SA + 70% ED] / BSB) x 100


Companies are required, at minimum, to maintain a Core Ratio of 55% and a Total Ratio of 90%. OSFI has established supervisory target levels of 70% for Core and 100% for Total capital.

Definitions of terms can be found in Guideline A: .

Qualitative Analysis of Solvency Ratio (Period over Period)

The changes in Total and Core Ratios in 2022 are primarily attributable to movements in interest rates and the update of the actuarial assumptions. The capital ratios remain above Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s capital targets.

(thousands of dollars, except percentages)

   Current Period Prior Period -% Change
Available Capital (AC1 +B)(AC)1,255,834 1,125,318 

Tier 1 Capital(AC1)   
Tier 2 Capital(B)   
Surplus Allowance and Eligible Deposits(SA + ED)7,061,578 7,339,522 

Base Solvency Buffer(BSB) 7,015,244 

Total Ratio
([AC + SA + ED] / BSB) x 100

Core Ratio
([AC1 + 70% SA + 70% ED] / BSB) x 100


Companies are required, at minimum, to maintain a Core Ratio of 55% and a Total Ratio of 90%. OSFI has established supervisory target levels of 70% for Core and 100% for Total capital.

Definitions of terms can be found in Guideline A: .

Qualitative Analysis of Solvency Ratio (Period over Period)

The changes in Total and Core Ratios in 2021 are primarily attributable to movements in interest rates and the update of the actuarial assumptions. The capital ratios remain above Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s capital targets.

(thousands of dollars, except percentages)

    Current Period Prior Period -% Change
Available Capital (AC1 +B)(AC)1,125,3181,097,1143%
Tier 1 Capital(AC1)   
Tier 2 Capital(B)   
Surplus Allowance and Eligible Deposits(SA + ED)7,339,5226,504,59413%
Base Solvency Buffer(BSB)6,946,3995,993,14216%
Total Ratio
([AC + SA + ED]/BSB) x 100
Core Ratio
([AC1 + 70% SA + 70% ED] / BSB) x 100


Companies are required, at minimum, to maintain a Core Ratio of 55% and a Total Ratio of 90%. OSFI has established supervisory target levels of 70% for Core and 100% for Total capital.

Definitions of terms can be found in Guideline A: .

Qualitative Analysis of Solvency Ratio (Period over Period)

The Total and Core Ratios changes in 2020 are primarily attributed to retrocession of blocks of business, change in interest rates and the optimization of capital usage.

(thousands of dollars, except percentages)

    Current Period Prior Period -% Change
Available Capital (AC1 +B)(AC)1,097,114909,45721%
Tier 1 Capital(AC1)   
Tier 2 Capital(B)   
Surplus Allowance and Eligible Deposits(SA + ED)6,504,5946,155,9536%
Base Solvency Buffer(BSB)5,993,1426,008,8780%
Total Ratio
([AC + SA + ED]/BSB) x 100
Core Ratio
([AC1 + 70% SA + 70% ED] / BSB) x 100


Companies are required, at minimum, to maintain a Core Ratio of 55% and a Total Ratio of 90%. OSFI has established supervisory target levels of 70% for Core and 100% for Total capital.


Definitions of terms can be found in Guideline A: .

Qualitative Analysis of Solvency Ratio (Period over Period)

The Total and Core Ratios changes in 2019 are primarily attributed to the strengthening of assumptions on a portion of the foreign branch business, deployment of excess capital on in-force block transactions and recurring new business. The capital ratios remain above Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s capital targets.

(thousands of dollars, except percentages)

    Current Period Prior Period -% Change

Available Capital (AC1 +B)

Tier 1 Capital(AC1)   
Tier 2 CapitalB   

Surplus Allowance and Eligible Deposits

(SA + ED)6,155,9534,782,43929%

Base Solvency Buffer


Total Ratio
([AC + SA + ED]/BSB) x 100


Core Ratio
([AC1 + 70% SA + 70% ED] / BSB) x 100
