  • Articles
  • January 2024

Accelerated Underwriting Analysis: Examining today’s accelerated underwriting and its bright future

  • Taylor Pickett
  • Christine Kachelmuss
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In Brief

In an article that , ˿ƵAPP shares new data on the state of AU for individual life insurance and highlights a path forward for successful AU. 

Gathered from ˿ƵAPP data and confidential industry sources, the analysis looked at acceleration rates, mortality slippage based on gender and risk class, and the type of evidence and tools the industry currently uses for AU programs. It also addresses concerns from the AU community about escalating policy face values and issue ages. (The SOA Research Institute published a report in November 2023 on AU: . The SOA Research Institute’s study compared the results of two surveys, not only to determine how practices have changed but also how they have changed from 2020 to 2022 because of COVID-19.)

Where are we now?

AU programs have matured and strengthened since 2014, which generally is considered the year the practice started to develop. ˿ƵAPP’s analysis of the U.S. individual life insurance AU market demonstrates that maturity and may offer guidance on enhancing existing AU programs and improving their outcomes. 

Acceleration Rate

Across the AU programs ˿ƵAPP reinsures, acceleration rates vary widely from 10%-70%. The average acceleration rate across programs is 40%-50%.

Mortality slippage—the estimated mortality increase for policies issued through AU relative to policies issued through traditional underwriting—also may change as face amounts increase. Recent analysis of AU random holdout data reveals lower mortality slippage for face amounts $500,000 and higher when compared to smaller face amounts, as shown in this chart. 


Maximum Face Amount

The most common maximum face amount is $1 million, with more than 40% of AU programs setting that maximum amount. Another 40% of AU programs maintain a maximum face amount of $2 million to $3 million. Almost half the programs offering $2 million or more in coverage use tiered age limits to ensure the highest face amounts are restricted to younger issue ages, such as age 40 or 50. Less than 5% of AU programs offer maximum face amounts of more than $3 million. 

In general, acceleration rates for policies up to $1 million are higher than acceleration rates for policies greater than $1 million. 


A mother and daughter, both with brown curly hair, bake cookies together
Take a closer look at the complex spectrum between traditional SI and AU and discover new ingredients for life products that can increase customer satisfaction, attract the right risks, and maintain low mortality.

Issue Age

Currently, the most common maximum issue age is 60. Only a few AU programs push their maximum issue age to 65 years. Medical impairments are more common at higher ages, which may correlate to lower acceleration rates and higher mortality slippage for policies issued to older applicants. 

As shown in this chart, older applicants are less likely to be approved accelerated than younger applicants.


As one might expect, AU random holdout data reveals the highest mortality slippage for ages 40 and older. Interestingly, however, we see higher mortality slippage for ages 18-30 than the 31-40 age group. One theory is that people under 30 may visit their doctors less frequently than their older counterparts, and less detailed digital medical footprints may allow higher-risk, younger applicants who otherwise would have been disqualified from the accelerated process to be approved. 


AU random holdout data reveals a material gender gap for estimated mortality slippage on AU policies. On average, the mortality slippage of females is 40% lower than the overall average for an AU program; the rate for males is 40% higher. 

Risk Classes

Early AU programs restricted offerings to preferred nontobacco user classes. But as the industry learned from its early iterations, AU programs have expanded to standard and better classes, both tobacco and nontobacco. Some programs are adding substandard classes to the mix, but they typically structure them as grouped substandard classes. In an accelerated environment where full details about the applicant’s health profile may not be available, it can be difficult to determine a precise table rating. 

The best risk class has the highest acceleration rate and the highest mortality slippage. On average, the acceleration rate of the best risk class is between 1.5 and 2 times that of the residual standard class, as shown in Figure 3. Based on AU random holdout data, the best risk class has more than 1.5 times the overall mortality slippage level, on average. This is partly due to the absence of key metrics in traditional preferred criteria, such as measured cholesterol, blood pressure and build. Additionally, while other risk classes may benefit from “favorable misclassifications” in some programs, this isn’t possible for the best class because there are no better classes “upstream.”


Evidence and Tools

Without the traditional paramedical exam and fluids collected that takes place under full underwriting, AU frequently necessitates additional evidence to evaluate applicants. This chart breaks down the types of evidence and tools AU programs use most frequently as well as tools that underwriters are exploring for expanded use in the future. 


Many insurers have zeroed in on the “big three” evidence types to enhance their AU programs: 

  1. Clinical labs: With a strong “hit rate” (the rate that an inquiry returns information on an applicant) of 60%-70%, clinical labs provide deep information on specific test results. However, they provide little context about why a physician ordered a lab or the applicant’s overall health picture. 

  2. Medical claims: The reverse is true for medical claims, which provide a broader look at an applicant’s health, potential impairments and past diagnoses—but will not include test results. Hit rates vary by vendor but can top 80%, providing a solid opportunity to gather health data on an applicant. 

  3. Electronic health records: While they offer the weakest hit rate at 30%-40%, electronic health records can paint the clearest picture yet of an applicant’s medical history, including treatment plans, lab results and doctors’ notes. Yet the unstructured nature of this data makes it challenging to automate.

Choosing between evidence tools requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach. It is important for insurers to seek the best type of evidence to make a decision on a specific case. What is right for one case may not work for another. But each of these “big three” evidence types carries the strong advantage of being significantly less expensive and time-consuming than a paramedical exam or insurance lab panel. 

Next Steps

What can this new analysis tell us about how to potentially improve AU programs? 

  • Take a breath. Insurers are achieving equilibrium on face values and issue age. Industry chatter about escalating face values and issue ages had many insurers worried about keeping pace. Recent data shows that few insurers are pushing past $3 million or offering coverage to applicants over 60. 

  • The AU gender gap is real but manageable. The +/-40% mortality slippage variation between women and men relative to an overall program is significant and could create challenges for insurers that have not factored those differences into their pricing. If not priced appropriately, insurers could lose money on male cohorts, particularly for products with thinner margins. As with any life product, insurers can mitigate the effect of the gender gap with careful pricing and an understanding of any gender distribution risk on accelerated policies. 

  • Build a feedback loop and act on the findings. Insurers are pressured to drive up their acceleration rates, which tends to result in higher mortality slippage. In our view, one of the best ways to break that correlation is to analyze misclassified AU cases and determine which of the “big three” evidence types could have revealed the information needed to address problematic cases. We believe this type of forensic auditing may help insurers better align applicants and evidence and ultimately make better AU decisions. It may also pave the way for alternative pathways if a case does not immediately qualify for AU. With the right information about similar cases, insurers can request clinical labs or medical claims, providing an AU pathway that avoids fluids or needle sticks.


The future is bright for AU programs, and there are opportunities for program improvements, whether through a closer investigation of mortality slippage by gender, expanded use of evidence or a stronger emphasis on monitoring. We believe insurers could expand AU offerings and improve overall outcomes by focusing on these factors. 

At ˿ƵAPP, we are eager to engage with clients to better understand and tackle the industry’s most pressing challenges together. Contact us to discuss and to learn more about ˿ƵAPP's capabilities, resources, and solutions. 

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Meet the Authors & Experts

Taylor Pickett
Taylor Pickett
Actuary, Pricing, U.S. Individual Life, ˿ƵAPP
Christine Kachelmuss
Christine Kachelmuss
Associate Actuary, ˿ƵAPP