Data Solutions
  • Videos
  • October 2022
  • 7:04 minutes

Implementing a Data and Analytics Ethical Framework

  • Jordan Durlester
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In Brief
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In this video, ˿ƵAPP’s Jordan Durlester, Vice President of Data Strategy, Global Data Analytics, explores three fundamental steps to implementing an ethical framework for data and analytics: 

  • Establishing an ethical oversight board 

  • Building an ethical framework that establishes the organization’s fundamental guiding principles 

  • Developing structures required to ensure that the ethical framework is successfully implemented throughout the organization 

In 2021, ˿ƵAPP launched its Data and Analytics Ethical Framework, a set of enterprise-wide guiding principles for data and analytics utilization. The principles are revisited, amended, and updated as the industry, regulatory, and ethical landscape dictates. 

See also: The Case for a Data Analytics Ethics Framework in Insurance 

The (re)insurance industry plays an important role in curbing the potential for harm in data utilization, and ˿ƵAPP proudly supports industry players in efforts to promote ethical data practices. To find out more about measures (re)insurers can take to ensure the responsible use of customer data, read the “” report by . 

At ˿ƵAPP, we are eager to engage with clients to better understand and tackle the industry’s most pressing challenges together. Contact us to discuss and learn more about the ˿ƵAPP capabilities, resources, and solutions.  

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Meet the Authors & Experts

Jordan Durlester
Jordan Durlester
Vice President, Data Strategy, Data Strategy and Infrastructure