Transformative Teamwork

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Kevin Kennedy


Sometimes the most exciting innovation can come, not from new tech, but from better teamwork, says Kevin Kennedy, Executive Director, Security & Privacy Risk Reporting.

Currently, I lead security, privacy, and risk reporting as part of Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s Global Security and Privacy Office, but for 25 years, I’ve held positions across many areas of information technology, starting in desktop support and working in networking, information security, IT audit, project management, and then compliance. One thing you learn swiftly is that everyone has a specialty. I don’t think anyone in IT knows everything; the profession is so broad and constantly changing that collaboration is a necessity. At Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP, that sense of teamwork permeates the environment. Everyone just chips in with his or her expertise and knowledge, even if the project isn’t formal or mandated.

That openness is part of what I enjoy most about this place. I love figuring out how new technologies work and then how we can leverage them to securely meet business needs. Too often, when we look at advances in technology, the focus is on the next big thing. We celebrate the innovative product, but we forget the process that got us there. The way we learn together, and work together, is often ignored, and this process of continuous learning, of acquiring new skills and new experiences can make all the difference. When I think about innovation in IT, I go back to the Model T – the original cars rolling out on assembly lines in the early 1900s in Detroit. These weren’t all that impressive by our standards. They had limited engine horsepower and barely held together. Today we have smart cars and electric vehicles (EVs) that leave these original autos in the dust, but both EVs and Model-Ts are the results of transformative teamwork.

Too often, when we look at advances in technology, the focus is on the next big thing. We celebrate the innovative product, but we forget the process that got us there. The way we learn together, and work together, is often ignored, and this process of continuous learning, of acquiring new skills and new experiences can make all the difference."

Innovation is about progression – it’s about steady, sometimes unnoticed, day-to-day collaboration that leads to measurable advances. Information Technology is essentially a support function – a shared service that thrives when teams combine different skills and experiences to solve problems. My team is responsible for conducting risk and compliance assessments; we are part of a larger function that works together to identify and address risks throughout the environment. We combine our expertise so all of us can do more for our clients, who, in turn, offer financial protection to people when they need it most.

That mission, to help each other help others in need, is part of what makes Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP so special. To succeed in technology, you have to have to find a group of people with the right mentality – people who are focused on the right things. Often, it is easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind, but when you are surrounded by leaders who are invested in your career aspirations and growth and who empower you to make a change and grow as a person and leader, you want to do your best and to stay committed to the job and the company. 

I love helping my team grow and develop in their careers by removing barriers, whether that is training or technology because every individual’s success is the organization's success. I also really appreciate Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵAPP’s strategic focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and diversity, equity, and inclusion. This company stands by its values and empowers employees to volunteer and to look for ways to make a difference within the communities they serve. It’s the kind of place where, if you have a passion for a charity or an idea about how to make the organization more inclusive, company leaders are open and supportive. I’m a member of Black Employees Succeeding Together (BEST), an employee resource group for African-Americans and allies, and I’m proud to be part of a company that views diversity and inclusion as a strategic advantage and that encourages employees to embrace a broader purpose: to make financial protection accessible to all.

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