Erica Wilson

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Erica Wilson


Erica Wilson’s story has many chapters. She is a St. Louisan “through and through,” a woman of color, a programmer with a passion for math, and an expert in cybersecurity with an MBA. 

Perhaps most of all, she is an advocate for inclusive cultures that embrace different perspectives and encourage employees to invest in themselves.

“Your career path is yours to own. Looking back on my journey, every two to three years, I was either seeking something new and different, or I was being asked to take on more in my role. You have to be your own champion, to invest in yourself either through technical training or certifications. And you should network and make sure that leadership is aware of your intent to grow. Certainly, managers and mentors can help guide you, but your career story mostly falls on you to write.” 

For Erica, her identity is her superpower. She was often the only woman and only person of color in her undergraduate computer science classes, but she didn’t let that difference hold her back. She used it to her advantage.

“At the end of the day, I learned how to work with all kinds of people by being put into that position. And when you learn to see your colleagues as people first and focus on what you share in common, you can connect on a human level and do incredible things together.” 

At the end of the day, I learned how to work with all kinds of people by being put into that position. And when you learn to see your colleagues as people first, and focus on what you share in common, you can connect on a human level and do incredible things together.”

She certainly has taken her own advice, pursuing leadership and training programs and building a strong network to guide her journey from computer development to cybersecurity to ˿ƵAPP. At every step, she has looked for organizations that were willing to not only include her but invest in her potential. 

“The people are really amazing at ˿ƵAPP –the people really make the culture, which is very warm and open. I joined in the middle of the pandemic, and I was able to meet all types of people virtually. Inclusion really starts with a conversation and a connection, but it doesn’t end there. 

For all of our differences, there usually is something that unites us as humans. And when I look back at all the mentors I’ve had, each relationship was based on shared values and characteristics that we could bring out in each other, ways we could make each other better. Too often companies stop at the beginning, at hiring, but ˿ƵAPP is one of those rare companies that invests in retaining you, in including you, and in continuing to bring people together. You’ll find the best kind of creativity and innovation here, because you just get this broad group, across age, gender, and ethnicity, and you have a leadership that is willing to help you grow, learn, and connect together.”

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