Articles October 2015
Behavioral Approach to Insurance: A Brief Guide
The purpose of this article is twofold: first to report some of the main effects and biases observed and documented in ongoing research on behavioural economics, showing
how these may apply to the insurance industry from distribution to claims. Second, this... Read More
A group of actuaries grouped around a laptop discussing behavioral insight.
Articles October 2015
Think Fast, Think Slow: Group Insurance Actuaries Thinking a Lot About Behavioral Economics
This article summarizes actuarial discussions on behavioral economics as these relate to group reinsurance.
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Articles October 2015
Habits in Claim Management

When insurers put processes in place, their goal is to create a structure around tasks and activities to produce a desired and consistent result or outcome. Consciously or unconsciously, they provide a framework for habits to be developed by the claim examiner.

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Articles September 2015
Lapses in Australia and Canada: Half a world apart, or two sides of the same coin?
Concerns about policy lapses and the associated anti-selective mortality experience are generating frequent conversations among actuaries in North America and Australia.

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Articles September 2015
Economic Capital for LTC for “One in 200” Events ​ ​
˿ƵAPP offers a process to measure the risk of a 1-in-200 event, and therefore to identify the right amount of  economic capital. Read More
Articles September 2015
​The Obese-Asthma Phenotype​​​​
Obesity (body mass index > 30), already a known risk factor for hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis and some forms of cancer, now presents with significant evidence as a major risk factor for asthma. Read More
A user examines wearable devices
Articles September 2015
Underwriting the Quantified Self: Wearables, Data and Life Insurance
Today, medical devices are evolving into configurations that will meet the globe’s fast-rising data-driven medical needs. This article examines the implications for insurers.   Read More
Articles September 2015
Hepatitis C
Since 2011, great strides have been made in the treatment of Hepatitis C. This article will update the reader on these treatments and the implications for both life and living benefits insurance products and claims. Read More
Articles September 2015
Australia: The Phoenix Rises
The mythological phoenix is known for spectacularly regenerating from its ashes every century. Australia’s life insurance industry needs something special to rise from its ashes; claims management innovation promises to give the necess... Read More
Articles September 2015
Terrorism Q&A
˿ƵAPP interviews Weimeng Yeo, a key member of the Risk Management Solutions (RMS) team responsible for the development of the organization’s terrorism model.  Read More
Articles September 2015
Global Claims Views: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Explore the impact of both assisted suicide and euthanasia on life claims and key considerations claims assessors need to take into account when managing claims involving assisted suicide and euthanasia. Read More
Articles September 2015
Solvency II’s coming challenges
The comprehensive Solvency II regime for Europe-domiciled insurers will finally and irrevocably go into effect on 1 January 2016. Ms Alexandra Field of ˿ƵAPP International Reinsurance provides a brief overview of the regime, portrays its main challenges for... Read More
Articles August 2015
Lessons from the Recent Australian Group Market Experience: Total and Permanent Disability, Risk Assessment, and Uncertainty
This article draws lessons from the Australian group market experience, including the importance of collaboration, the dangers of complacency, and the critical nature of data-based decisions.  Read More
Articles July 2015
Life Insurers Face New Health Threats​
New health risks have been presenting clear challenges for life insurers as they seek to analyze, Read More
Articles July 2015
Updates in Cerebrovascular Disease​​​​
The underwriting of cerebrovascular disease very often has as its basis an overall assessment of the proposed insured’s cardiovascular profile combined with characteristics of the stroke itself. Read More
Articles July 2015
High Net Worth Sector Growth = Insurer Opportunity​​​: Product Development Insights
Life insurance can be a powerful, cost-effective tool in wealth and estate planning solutions, and HNW and mass affluent markets represent a broadening range of opportunities for product development and the provision of value-added services. Read More
Articles July 2015
International Health Briefs - Advances in Hepatitis C Treatment
This brief explains hepatitis C, discusses the new drugs and their efficacy, and provides guidance around verification of medical necessity of treatment, claims considerations and underwriting considerations. Read More
Articles June 2015
The Future of Underwriting - It is Nearly Here!​
Underwriters need to act now to monitor and prepare for rapid technological changes in information access and management.  Read More
Research and White Papers June 2015
Selling Life Insurance Successfully to the HNWI Market
This report aims to show how primary life insurers can explore or strengthen their existing presence in this brokered international market by developing successful strategies that can optimize market presence and penetration. Read More
Research and White Papers June 2015
Solvency II: Change Brings Opportunity
˿ƵAPP shares three general principles and 12 case studies that summarize our many experiences, observations, and conclusions around Solvency II.  Read More