Biohazard lab workbench
Articles May 2021
Brief Report: Gene and Cell Therapies

Rapid advances in medical science’s understanding of the human genome have led to the recent development of novel gene-based therapeutic strategies. In ReFlections, ˿ƵAPP's Dr.Dan Zimmerman defines gene and cell therapies and provides insights into these rapid...

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Quantified wearables
Articles May 2021
Rethinking Health Insurance with Wearable Data

Insurance-linked wellness reward programs can too often fail to pay for themselves, and data from wearable devices is not yet widely or confidently used in underwriting risk assessment. ˿ƵAPP's Raajeev Bhayana explores the relationships between wearable data and health...

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Publications May 2021
ReFlections Volume 53, May 2021
In this issue, explore topics from demystifying pulmonary and thyroid nodules to current trends in gestational diabetes and gene therapy. 
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Image of needle being inserted into an arm
Articles April 2021
Worth a Shot: An Industry Case for Vaccination
Long before the current pandemic, vaccines have proven to be historical game-changers in the prevention of infectious diseases. ˿ƵAPP sat down with Senior Vice President and Head of Global Medical Dr. Daniel Zimmerman and Global Medical Researcher Hilary Henly to discuss ... Read More
Explanation of medical benefits documentation
Articles April 2021
Growing Pains? Balancing Opportunity and Options in the Health Markets of the Middle East

After a torrid compound annual growth rate of 43% since 2013, the Middle East health insurance market is experiencing growing pains, including challenges to sustainability and profitability. A new survey from ˿ƵAPP identifies causes and solutions.

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Colon cancer physician consultation
Articles April 2021
Diagnosis – Colon Cancer: Five Personal Lessons from an Underwriter and Survivor ​​

Cancer is an abstract idea in underwriting, until it happens to the underwriter. Get a candid and highly personal perspective, which was first offered at the AHOU 2021 Annual Conference.  

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Individual holding cannibis
Videos April 2021
Cannabis - A New Era

Curious about ˿ƵAPP's medical insights?  Contact us to learn m...

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Image of knowledge worker with superimposed data over a device
Articles April 2021
Is Information, Not Data, Power? Why Cryptography Can Help Fight Insurance Fraud

Carriers seeking to detect fraud confront a troubling irony: The very techniques that could do the most to minimize fraud, such as pooling data from applicants throughout the industry, may maximize other risks. Regulatory frameworks prohibit such data sha...

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Worker taking short term gig
Articles April 2021
COVID-19 and the Growing Importance of Gig Workers
The freelance – or gig – economy is booming, but the flexibility of job-to-job work can come at a cost; the self-employed are increasingly underinsured and financially insecure. ˿ƵAPP's Diana Bosworth explains how an array of incumbent insurers and new insurtech entrants ... Read More
Female runner clambers up steps
Articles March 2021
Can Combining Technologies and Behavioral Science Improve the Life Insurance Value Proposition?
What if technology and behavioral science could work together to help all of us live healthier, longer lives? The impact could be transformative, argues Emmanuel Djengue of ˿ƵAPPX and Eric Gaubert of ˿ƵAPP France.

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Multigenerational hands clustered around newborn's feet
Articles March 2021
The Power of Focus: A Case for Collective Action to Bridge the Coverage Gap
For ˿ƵAPP's Ron Herrmann, COVID-19 demonstrated, as nothing else could, the importance of what carriers do to protect lives and livelihoods. He calls on the industry to band together to raise awareness about the value of life insurance and address America’s steadily ... Read More
Articles March 2021
COVID-19 Brief: What influences consumer behavior more – revolutionary tech or tried-and-true ideas?
When faced with operational challenges most organizations will demonstrate a bias towards new technologies. The past year’s COVID-19 pandemic is showing that finding ways to increase adoption of existing solutions may be just as, if not more, effective in influencing co... Read More
A man pursues a digital purchase
Articles March 2021
Opinion: Rational Ignorance and the Protection Gap - Is There a Cure?

Knowledge of calorie counts are unlikely to sway the preferences of a dedicated fast-food aficionado, but the information might leave them slightly depressed after their meal. Is it better to allow customers to remain in their rational ignorance, or is this new requi...

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Illustration of monocolonal antibodies
Videos March 2021
The Monoclonal Antibody Revolution

Curious about ˿ƵAPP's medical insights?  Contact us to learn m...

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Articles March 2021
Metabolic U-Turn: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Remission and the Implications of a Turn in the Right Direction

As the burden of disease from diabetes rises to epidemic proportions, ˿ƵAPP's Heather Lund asks in  whether the possibility of remission for Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) signals an o...

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Long term disability amid COVID-19
Articles March 2021
Long-Term Disability in the Time of COVID-19: The Economic Impact of the First "Pandemic Recession"
˿ƵAPP's Jeff Schuh asks how the group long-term disability market will respond to a recession linked to a pandemic. He analyzes the current recession against the backdrop of unemployment and occupational and industry trends from prior downturns and reveals important disti... Read More
Empty shelves amid COVID-19 purchasing panic
Articles March 2021
Perceptions and Policyholders: COVID-19 Lapses, Stockpilers, and More
The COVID-19 pandemic shall pass, but consumer behaviors and adaptations may linger. What happens when novelty becomes the norm? ˿ƵAPP South Africa first examined this question in Read More
Finger tapping the reset button
Articles March 2021
Resetting the Rules: Life in a Changed World ​

Is a “win at all costs” mentality a losing approach? Futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich thinks so, and he explains why the rules of business were being quietly reimagined long before a once-in-a-century pandemic.

At ˿ƵAPP, we are eager to speak wit...

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2020 dice
Articles February 2021
Global Claims Views: 20/20 Vision – Looking Back to Gain Future Insights into Claims

The pandemic forced insurers to adapt to rapid change; it also highlighted potential future opportunities. ˿ƵAPP's Belinda Thorpe offers six lessons from the crisis that claims teams can learn – and act on – to succeed in the future. 

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Articles February 2021
Global Claims Views: After the Storm, Long-Term Health Consequences of COVID-19

˿ƵAPP's Marilda Kotze discusses the impairments most likely to result in a claim among COVID-19 survivors, as well as clinical presentation, functiona...

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