Sign for children's assessment unit in hospital
Articles May 2020
COVID-19 Brief: How does SARS-CoV-2 cause serious illness in children?

Although childhood COVID-19 differs from adult COVID-19, the virus can indeed cause serious illness in children. ˿ƵAPP's Dr. Paul Davis identifies emerging research into links between the virus and pediatric inflammatory syndromes and discusses rare, life-threatening m...

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Renal disease and dialysis
Articles May 2020
COVID-19 Brief: Examining the link between SARS-CoV-2 and kidney complications
While severe respiratory complications of COVID-19 have received much media attention, emerging data indicates that renal disease is a major complication and a significant risk factor in death from the disease. ˿ƵAPP’s Dr. Georgiana Willwerth-Pascutiu, a nephrologist by p... Read More
Syringe and therapy surrounded by COVID-19 molecules
Articles May 2020
COVID-19 Brief: A new twist for a century-old TB vaccine?

As countries race to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, there is avid interest and debate regarding the possible role of bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). Could this vaccine prevent or reduce the severity of COVID-19? ˿ƵAPP's Dr. Sheetal Salgaonkar summarizes the research an...

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balance and scale
Articles May 2020
COVID-19 Brief: How can underwriters strike the right balance amid the crisis?

While much remains unknown about the pandemic, this much is clear: Underwriters must broadly consider risk, continue to gather information, be adaptable and keep an open mind as we move forward – some changes will likely remain with us post-crisis.

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Images of COVID-19 molecules
Articles May 2020
COVID-19 Brief: Risk assessment considerations of people living with HIV (PLWH) during the pandemic
At ˿ƵAPP, we are eager to speak with clients about any support needed as we confront this challenge together. 
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Articles May 2020
The Future is Calling: A Futurist Reflects on the World Post-COVID-19

Don’t fear the future – anticipate it. This was the message from Graeme Codrington, South African author, futurist, and founding director of strategic insights firm TomorrowToday. ˿ƵAPP's Michael Porter recently interviewed the futurist to learn the rest of the story.<...

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Piggy bank with mask
Articles May 2020
Covidomics: Perceptions, Purchases, and Pandemics
The novel COVID-19 pandemic shall pass, but consumer behaviors and adaptations may linger. What happens when novelty becomes the norm? A new survey in South Africa offers intriguing clues into factors that could influence how insurers seek to protect consumers in t... Read More
Image of remdesivir with syringe
Articles May 2020
COVID-19 Brief: Is remdesivir a major advance in the fight or too soon to say?

Much remains uncertain about COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), and ˿ƵAPP remains committed to monitoring and analyzing the latest research and developments involving this fast-changing pandemic. The company will be offering regular updates as new information becomes availabl...

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elderly figures at center of radiating maze
Articles May 2020
An Important Matter Related to Combination Life/LTC Insurance Products

Are today’s combination Life/LTC insurers recognizing the right capital when pricing?  ˿ƵAPP analyzed what it would hold for combination plans with acceleration benefits for use with LTC and separately for extended LTC benefits using a principles-based capital app...

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Videos April 2020
A Day in the Life of a Medical Director

Curious about ˿ƵAPP’s SUP MD Program?

Contact us at to learn how SUP medical directors can provide support during peak periods, from the summer vacation season to ...

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Videos April 2020
Modeling Infectious Disease Outbreaks
This video was developed in conjunction with actuview, the first permanent international media platform for actuaries (). actuview content reflects contributions from actuarial institutions, corporate partners ... Read More
remote zoom work from home
Articles April 2020
Does Working from Home … Work? Long-time Remote Workers Share Lessons Learned

As COVID-19 puts the outside world on pause, how can insurers adapt to conducting business, interacting with partners, and even socializing through screens? ˿ƵAPP conducted a series of interviews with long-time remote workers in the United States, and we share their re...

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Opioid Prescription
Videos April 2020
Opioid Prescription: History Analysis

Curious about ˿ƵAPP's research?  Contact us to learn more. 

This video was developed in conjunction with actuview, the...

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Cybersecurity wired house
Articles April 2020
Is Your Home Office Secure? How to Limit Cybersecurity Risks while Working Remotely

Malicious actors – from common fraudsters to sophisticated cybercriminals – exploit vulnerabilities, and the COVID-19 pandemic presents an exceptional opportunity. As the industry shifts to remote operations, insurers must redouble efforts to protect against onli...

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Red domino tipping rows of dominos
Articles April 2020
Combating Insurance Fraud Amid COVID-19’s Catastrophic Cascade

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a cascade of fear-inducing events, and enabled predatory fraud, says ˿ƵAPP's Mark Dion. How can insurers fight back? Collaboration is the key. 

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Articles April 2020
Insuring the Future: Digitization, Disruption, and Trust

The industry is in the midst of discovering what it will take to materially alter the customer experience – from sales through post-issue. It’s undeniable that many consumers today will not tolerate a customer experience with the friction historically built into the ...

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Articles April 2020
Are We Giving Social Distancing a Bad Name? A counterintuitive look at how terminology influences behavior
During emergencies such as the outbreak of the coronavirus, it is essential to follow direction from authorities to slow the spread of disease. So, why do so many ignore public health warnings, and can certain messages improve adherence?  ˿ƵAPP's Matt Batte... Read More
Image depicting telemedicine with doctor treating a patient
Articles April 2020
“Webside” Manner: The Promise and Perils of Telemedicine

Amid the rising threat of infectious disease and aging populations, telehealth services are expanding in most parts of the world, including in the Middle East. ˿ƵAPP asked Dr. Dennis Sebastian, Regional Director for Health, ˿ƵAPP Middle East, to evaluate this emergin...

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Carcinogen molecule illustration
Articles April 2020
Group 1 Carcinogens: The Unknowns
For years, the insurance industry has charged higher premiums for applicants who use tobacco or drink alcohol to excess, but these aren't the only Group 1 carcinogens that pose a risk to human health. ˿ƵAPP's Hilary Henly suggests underwriters may be missing popular and p... Read More
Illustration of lightbulb idea
Articles March 2020
Underwriting 2.0. - In an increasingly automated world, what does risk assessment look like?

Advances in artificial intelligence and automation promise to significantly lower underwriting costs, improve affordability and widen the appeal of life insurance products, argues ˿ƵAPP experts in

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